Lenny Duncan A cage is a cage, after all Capitalism is a satanic structure that’s built on the idea of building a meritocracy in the midst of democracy. In this system, we are told if we work hard and…
Lenny Duncan The roots of black Lutheranism in America Jehu would eventually be sent to Philadelphia to be a missionary to the black community there. He founded St. Paul’s Lutheran Church in Center City Philadelphia. He bought the land…
Lenny Duncan You just have to believe that this is the way things are. White supremacy doesn’t need active racists to function. It is a demonic system with a life of its own. It is radical evil. It functions with interdependent systems like militarism…
Lenny Duncan We must dismantle, destroy, and bury white supremacy. Dear Church: “O dry bones, hear the word of the Lord. Thus says the Lord God to these bones” (Ezekiel 7:4-5): We must dismantle, destroy, and bury white supremacy. In…
Lenny Duncan My ordination is radical. I have a myriad of drug felonies; I spent years homeless; I received my GED in county prison. The church affirming me is a radical act. It is a way…