Cory Jones lives in Little Rock, AR with his wife and 8 children. He graduated from Abilene Christian University in 2001 with a degree in preaching, and spent 15 years serving in churches in Virginia, Texas, and Arkansas. After a career change, he now works as the Inbound Marketing Director for a financial advising firm in Little Rock. He preaches occasionally for local congregations and writes every now and then on his personal blog.
He and his wife, Christina, co-founded a company in 2018 called 366 Gathering that provides monthly training and support for foster and adoptive families throughout Central Arkansas. Of their 8 children, 3 are biological and 5 are adopted. It was through foster care and adoption that Cory’s eyes were opened to a way of seeing race that he had never faced before. All of his adopted children are black or biracial, and he realized that despite his responsibility to do so, he had no idea how to teach them to live in the world as a person of color. As he learned more about this, another reality hit: before he could understand what it is to be black, he first had to learn what it means to be white.
For the last few years he has been on a journey to better understand Whiteness as a system of power in America and, especially, in the Church. As the curator of Understanding Whiteness, he will continue to be a student first and share what he learns with those who also want to live with deeper awareness.
Personal blog: www.corykjones.com/mywriting
366 Gathering: www.366gathering.com