Curated by Jen Schaber
Parenting Forward- Cindy Wang Brandt
Daneen Akers Discusses Her Work On Queerology–
Parenting for Progressives- Cindy Wang Brandt on A Better Story
Parenting Beyond Spanking- That God Show
Books for Adults
Cindy Wang Brandt Parenting Forward
Bruce Reyes Chow Don’t Be An Asshat
It Runs In The Family : On Being Raised by Radicals and Growing into Rebellious Motherhood
Sex + Faith: Talking With Your Child From Birth To Adolescence
Found: A Story of Questions, Grace, and Everyday Prayer
Holy Troublemakers & Unconventional Saints (first run sold out, check back here for second run copies coming soon.)
The Blessing of a Skinned Knee: Using Timeless Teachings to Raise Self-Reliant Children
Books for Children
Maybe God Is Like That Too Is you child asking great questions like where is God and how to you hear God? This is a wonderful book that encourages children to pay attention to seeing God and fruits of the spirit all around them.
Maybe I Can Love My Neighbor Too Are you looking for ways to teach your child about how they can love their neighbor? Are you looking for a book that represents a beautifully diverse and interconnected community? This beautiful book gives tangible and easy to understand ideas of how we can all love our neighbors.

Far from Home: A Story of Loss, Refuge, and Hope This timely and well done book tells the story of a young boy needing to abruptly leave his home and travel far away with his parents. This will give children an age appropriate understanding of what it might be like to be a child refugee. The book then ties in the story of Jesus who as a young boy needed to leave his homeland.
Children of God Storybook Bible This is a beautifully and diversely illustrated children’s bible written by Archbishop Desmond Tutu. It contains a theme, call to action, and prayer for each story.
Five FAQs – Parenting While Deconstructing- Cindy Wang Brandt
For God So Loved the World Easter Basket Ideas
How an Ancient Spiritual Practice Can Help Parents Model Good Decision-Making
10 Reasons The Original Sin Doctrine is Damaging for Children
Should I Raise My Kids In Church?
The Rise Of Unfundamentalist Parenting
5 Christian Parenting Ideas To Let Go Of
God Is Love – Daily Lessons of God In Parenting
How Parenting Can Inform Theology
How Parents Can Be Like Prophets
Anger Is Not A Sin – Kathy Escobar
Some Material May Not Be Suitable For Children – Alise Wright
Redeeming Cinderella’s Stepmother – Sarah Bost-Askins
Lament and Faith and Childhood: Why my kid and I read the sad Psalms – Micha Boyett
Organizations and Communities
Embrace Race- Raising A Brave Generation
Faith Forward – Re-imaginging Children’s and Youth Ministry
Raising Children Unfundamentalist Facebook Group
Progressive Youth Ministry Facebook group
Festival with wide ranging progressive faith topics, including parenting