Leigh Finke How Do I Learn The Language? Non-LGBTQ+ people may get anxious hearing - let alone being expected to use - language they don’t understand or simply aren’t used to. At this point, you might be flipping…
Uncategorized Netflix’s ‘Pray Away’ Is A Humanizing Look At ‘Gay Conversion’ Therapy Survivors “It’s undeniable that this movement causes harm,” said filmmaker Kristine Stolakis, whose late uncle hoped to “cure” his trans identity with reparative therapy. https://www.huffpost.com/entry/netflix-pray-away-lgbtq-conversion-therapy-documentary_n_610d2df7e4b0e28b31e033c5
Religion News Service Young evangelicals are leaving church. LGBTQ bias may be driving them away. As white evangelical denominations double down on their opposition to equality, many younger evangelicals, gay and straight, are voting with their feet. from Religion News Service https://religionnews.com/2021/08/06/young-evangelicals-are-leaving-church-resistance-to-lgbtq-equality-is-driving-them-away/
Guthrie Graves-Fitzsimmons King’s commitment to representing the God-given dignity of human life The religious conservatives’ opposition to the civil rights nature of Rev. Dr. King’s ministry also came into focus during the final years of his life, when he embraced a broader…
Leigh Finke Why Does Language Matter So Much? Within the LGBTQ+ community, words matter. Profoundly so. And supportive leaders and allies need to understand this and speak accordingly. Thoughtful language shows respect, acknowledgment, and acceptance. This means using…
Leigh Finke How do I recognize my own biases about sexuality and gender? Let’s start with the facts: You have biases. We all have biases. We’re born and raised in specific environments, families, and cultures that affect our viewpoints and shape our brains.…
Brandan Robertson 6 Ways To Embrace True Inclusion In Your Faith Community by Brandan Robinson https://chalicepress.com/blogs/news/6-ways-to-embrace-true-inclusion-in-your-faith-community
Religion News Service The Fulton Supreme Court decision could increase discrimination against religious minorities While most of the analysis of this case has centered on the possible impact on LGBTQ Americans, we should also be aware of how a potential ruling could affect religious…
Leigh Finke A choice? Some people remain convinced that being queer is a choice, an anomaly, a problem to be solved. But nothing could be further from the truth. Some people argue that queerness…
Leigh Finke What About Biology? You’ve probably heard all of the arguments: There are two biological genders, two sexes for the purpose of reproduction. You’re either XX or XY - there aren’t any other options.…
Brandan Robertson Lesbians in the Bible? Say WAHT?! a discussion with Rev. Brandan Robertson https://anchor.fm/tldrbible/episodes/Ruth-evu4dc
Uncategorized Jesus and the Eunuch Eunuchs, as theologian Austen Hartke describes, were “the gender-diverse people of the ancient world” who “lived outside the boundaries of sex and gender.” Basically, queer people. Many people today don’t…
Uncategorized The Social Nature of Gender For many people, the idea that gender is a changing social construct goes against what they believe about how men and women should look and act. But if we consider…
Religion News Service Study: Americans overwhelmingly support LGBTQ nondiscrimination laws The 2020 American Values Atlas study from PRRI finds that at least 60% of every U.S. religious group favors laws that would protect LGBTQ people from discrimination. But religious leaders…
Leigh Finke How Many Genders Are There? If you grew up in any era prior to, you know, right now, you were probably taught that there is a simple answer to this question. And that answer is…
Leigh Finke What Does LGBTQ+ Look Like? The first step in answering this question is to be aware of your own biases. What do you expect a queer teenager to look like? What stereotypes have you bought…
Guthrie Graves-Fitzsimmons Conservatives opposing the Equality Act don’t speak for most people of faith, and they know it by Guthrie Graves-Fitzsimmons Most Americans, including religious ones, support LGBTQ people's right to nondiscriminatory treatment. So conservative fearmongers switched tactics. https://www.nbcnews.com/think/opinion/conservatives-opposing-equality-act-don-t-speak-most-people-faith-ncna1258910
Brandan Robertson “I really am learning that God doesn’t show partiality to one group over another. “ Another place that this forward movement takes place in Scripture is in the Book of Acts 10. For the sake of time, I’ll summarize the account. The Apostle Peter receives…
Religion News Service A prayer for a more just, inclusive future for LGBTQ folks in 2021 from Religion News Service https://religionnews.com/2020/12/28/a-prayer-for-a-more-just-inclusive-future-for-lgbtq-folks-in-2021/
The Guardian Senior faith leaders call for global decriminalisation of LGBT+ people More than 370 sign declaration demanding ban on conversion practices before UK conference - from The Guardian https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/dec/16/senior-faith-leaders-call-for-global-decriminalisation-of-lgbt-people
Brandan Robertson You have heard it said Now, the next question that naturally arises is this: If truth is progressive, then is it possible for something that was once considered to be true to become no longer…