Diana Butler Bass Jesus gives water, and he is water. SCRIPTURE: If you knew the gift of God, and who it is that is saying to you, “Give me a drink,” you would have asked him, and he would have…
Diana Butler Bass The earth as part of the body of God The late Irish Catholic priest and philosopher John O’Donohue called the land “the firstborn of creation” and the “condition of the possibility of everything.” The earth itself, he insisted, holds…
Diana Butler Bass How do you experience gratitude when feelings are elusive? How do you experience gratitude when feelings are elusive? Emotions are random things. Love, sadness, joy, fear. Very few are predictable, and most move like winds through our lives. They…
Diana Butler Bass Places of renewal, hospitality, and spiritual vision “Ancient biblical tradition suggests that waters—wells, spring, oases—are also places of renewal, hospitality, and spiritual vision, where human beings see God and receive God’s blessing.” (Grounded, p. 73) SCRIPTURE: With…
Diana Butler Bass As a Christian and a human being, I was appalled by Trump’s church photo op by Diana Butler Bass https://www.cnn.com/2020/06/03/opinions/trump-st-johns-visit-isnt-religion-butler-bass/
Diana Butler Bass Pentecost, Prejudice, and Pandemic by Diana Butler Bass https://churchanew.org/blog/2020/05/28/butlerbass3
Diana Butler Bass The language of mysticism and spiritual experience The language of mysticism and spiritual experience cuts a wide swath through the world’s religious traditions, and it presents an alternative theology, that of connection and intimacy. In Christian tradition,…
Diana Butler Bass Diana Butler Bass And the Spiritual Practice Of Deconstruction And Reconstruction from the What If Project podcast https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/episode-94-diana-butler-bass-spiritual-practice-deconstruction/id1397047558?i=1000472014740
Diana Butler Bass Vertical Theology Here in the labyrinth, I struggle to find words to describe what I feel. Up on the mountaintop, I knew the language to describe God: majestic, transcendent, all-powerful, heavenly Father,…
Diana Butler Bass Where is God? “Where is God?” is one of the most consequential questions of our times. Some stubbornly maintain that a distant God sits on his heavenly throne watching all these things, acting…
Diana Butler Bass Making Room for a Savior Diana Butler Bass provides an audio devotional for Riverside Church in New York City. “Jesus heals not only us as individuals but a savior has been born, one who will…
Diana Butler Bass Quid Pro Woe by Diana Butler Bass https://mailchi.mp/ab31abf71aae/the-cottage-870747?e=7b45ddc50b
Diana Butler Bass, Philip Gulley, Richard Rohr If We Were Christian by Richard Rohr, including quotes from Diana Butler Bass, Philip Gulley, and Mercy Amba Oduyoye https://cac.org/if-we-were-christian-2019-11-01/
Diana Butler Bass The God of Love had a really bad week https://www.cnn.com/2019/07/20/opinions/god-of-love-had-a-really-bad-week-bass/index.html
Diana Butler Bass Make America Grateful Again. A short film by Travis Reed and The Work of the People https://www.facebook.com/Diana.Butler.Bass/videos/10155929145208500/UzpfSTQ5NDQ4NjA5NDk1OjEwMTU3MTU5MzYwNTc0NDk2/