Uncategorized Look What They’ve Done to Christianity by Susan K. Smith https://candidobservation.com/2022/08/15/look-what-theyve-done-to-christianity/
Uncategorized I was surprised I grew up in the American South, in the world of white evangelicalism. I attended their churches and youth camps, trained for ministry at their schools, preached at their churches.…
Uncategorized The four stages of wound healing The four overlapping but distinct stages of wound healing are the central images of this book, which we will turn to again and again. The first stage is hemostasis, or…
Uncategorized Thank God that more people are deconstructing their faith by Brian McLaren https://www.premierchristianity.com/opinion/thank-god-that-more-people-are-deconstructing-their-faith/13570.article
Uncategorized Implicit bias exists unconsciously within us This unconscious discriminatory attitude is known as implicit bias or implicit social cognition and is well documented by social scientists and psychologists. The Kirwan Institute at Ohio State University defines…
Uncategorized We need an alternative populist vision to defeat the MAGA movement The moment is ripe for a different kind of popular movement that confronts divisive lies and builds broad coalitions for the common good. https://religionnews.com/2022/08/08/we-need-an-alternative-populist-vision-to-defeat-the-maga-movement/
Uncategorized There are many areas where I am alarmed There are many other areas where I am alarmed about the effects of Christianity’s biased and constricted intellectualism, not just on Christians but on everyone. For example, when Christian individuals…
Uncategorized Progressive National Baptists, AFL-CIO reunite for midterms voter initiative https://religionnews.com/2022/08/11/progressive-national-baptists-afl-cio-reunite-for-midterms-voter-initiative/
Uncategorized 10 ways to make your worship space less ableist https://religionnews.com/2022/07/29/10-ways-to-make-your-worship-space-less-ableist/
Uncategorized How to answer when Christian nationalists embrace the label as a badge of honor by Blake Chastain https://religionnews.com/2022/08/04/how-to-answer-when-christian-nationalists-embrace-the-label-as-a-badge-of-honor/
Uncategorized How dare we stay silent in the face of injustice? In 2016 I was invited to spend time on Robben Island, a small island off the coast near Cape Town that was once used as a political prison by the…
Uncategorized Over 12,000 Christians condemned Marjorie Taylor Greene’s embrace of Christian Nationalism https://www.insider.com/12000-christians-condemn-marjorie-taylor-greene-embrace-gop-christian-nationalism-2022-7
Uncategorized The kids are, clearly, not all right In a study from the year 2000, psychologist Dr. Jean Twenge performed a meta-analysis of anxiety in schoolchildren and college students in order to track the development of anxiety and…
Uncategorized What the Bible actually says about abortion may surprise you by Melanie A. Howard https://theconversation.com/what-the-bible-actually-says-about-abortion-may-surprise-you-186983
Uncategorized They say it because it has to be said and because it is true This pattern of resistance is so clear and even so defeating for Jesus that he makes what sounds like one of his most unkind statements: ”Do not give to dogs…
Uncategorized Christian Nationalism Everywhere? by Diana Butler Bass https://dianabutlerbass.substack.com/p/christian-nationalism-everywhere
Uncategorized Where is your outrage? Throughout the Trump administration, many people thought that my overt political messaging and call to action were a problem for my witness. I heard that protesting Trump's manifestly racist actions…
Uncategorized John MacArthur and the dangers of biblical literalism by Jonathan Merritt https://religionnews.com/2022/07/19/john-macarthur-and-the-dangers-of-biblical-literalism/
Uncategorized Christian Nationalism Drove These People Out of Their Churches https://www.vice.com/en/article/v7vew9/christian-nationalism-churches
Uncategorized Christian Nationalism is Dangerous to Christians by Jennifer Butler https://www.redletterchristians.org/christian-nationalism-is-dangerous-to-christians/
Uncategorized How to Measure Your Emotional Bandwidth Broad bandwidth for cell phones went to 5G in late February in this part of AZ. I just traded in an old iPhone 6, and when I looked at the…