Curated by the late Jim McIntire
Listed below you will find recommended online resources.
General Resources
“That All May Worship.”
“The Church and People with Disabilities: Awareness, Accessibility, and Advocacy.”
The Julian Way –
Disability Theology
John Swinton: Theology and Disability ( March 26, 2019 #TheologySlam
An Interview with L’ Arche founder Jean Vanier ( May 9 2019, Nicky & Pippa Gumbel
Healing the Wounds of Privilege Becoming (Amy Julia Becker) & More Effective Agents of Change: Looking Beyond Inclusion to All Intersections of One’s Disability (Andy Arias) Summer Institute on Disability & Theology, Plenary Session #2, May 20-23, 2019 (
Who is the God We Worship? Theologies of Disability; Challenges and New Possibilities. Dr. John Swinton, 2011 (
Institute on Disability & Theology. Facebook page.
Collaborative on Faith & Disability.
Summer Institute on Theology & Disability.
“Disability Theology is for Everyone.” Stephanie Tait, September 23, 2019. (A 5 Day Devotional)
“A Disabled God.” Disability Concerns Committee of the UMC. (A 7 Day Devotional)
Denominational Resources
- Ecumenical
- “Position Statements from Denominations, Faith Groups, and Other Organizations.” Collaborative on Faith & Disabilities.
- National Council of Churches of Christ
- NCC Policy: “Disabilities, the Body of Christ, and the Wholeness of Society”
- World Council of Churches
- Ecumenical Disability Advocacy Network (EDAN)
- The United Methodist Church
- DisAbility Ministries of The United Methodist Church.
- Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA)
- Disability Ministry —
- The Episcopal Church
- Episcopal DisAbility Network
- United Church of Christ (UCC)
- United Church of Christ Disabilities Ministries
- Presbyterian Church (PCUSA)
- Presbyterians for Disability Concerns
- Disability Concerns Consultants
- Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
- Disciples Home Mission. “Ministries Across Generations: Connecting the WHOLE body to the WHOLE Mission”
- Anabaptists
- Anabaptist Disability Network.
- American Baptist Church (ABC)
- American Baptists Home Mission Societies. Disability Ministries.
- Roman Catholic
- National Catholic Partnership on Disability.
Books on Disability, Faith, and Theology
The Disabled God: Toward a Liberatory Theology of Disability – by Nancy L. Eiesland, Abingdon Press
Becoming Friends of Time: Disability, Timefullness, and Gentle Discipleship – by John Swinton, Baylor University Press
Pastoral Care and Intellectual Disability: A Person-centered Approach – by Anna Katherine Ellerman Shurley, Baylor University Press
The Bible, Disability, and the Church: A New Vision of the People of God, by Amos Yong, Eerdmans Publishing Company
Theology and Down Syndrome: Reimagining Disability in Late Modernity (Studies in Religion, Theology, and Disability), by Amos Yong, Baylor University Press
God Plays Piano, Too: The Spiritual Lives of Disabled Children, by Brett Webb-Mitchell, Crossroad
Dancing with Disabilities: Opening the Church to All God’s Children, by Brett Webb-Mitchell, Wipf and Stock Publishers
Unexpected Guests at God’s Banquet: Welcoming People with Disabilities into the Church, by Brett Webb-Mitchell, Wipf and Stock Publishers
The Julian Way: A Theology of Fullness for All of God’s People, by Justin Hancock, Wipf and Stock Publishers
Disability and Isaiah’s Suffering Servant, by Jeremy Schipper, OUP Oxford
Becoming Human, by Jean Vanier, Paulist Press
History of Christ United Methodist Church of the Deaf, by Leo Yates, Peggy A. Johnson, CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
Deaf Ministry: Make a Joyful Silence, by Peggy A. Johnson, Robert L. Walker, BookSurge
God, Medicine, and Suffering, by Stanley Hauerwas, Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing
Disability Advocacy Among Religious Organizations: Histories and Reflections, by Albert A Herzog, Routledge
Apocalyptic Paul, by Beverly Roberts Gaventa
Disability and Spirituality: Recovering Wholeness, by William C. Gaventa, Baylor University Press
A Healing Homiletic: Preaching and Disability, by Kathy Black, Abingdon Press
Disability Studies and Biblical Literature, by C. Moss, J. Schipper, Springer
Human Disability and the Service of God: Reassessing Religious Practice, by Nancy L. Eiesland, Don E. Saliers, Abingdon Press
Religion and Disability: Essays in Scripture, Theology, and Ethics, by Marilyn Bishop, Sheed & Ward
The Bible and Disability: A Commentary, by Sarah J. Melcher, Mikeal Carl Parsons, Amos Yong, Hymns Ancient & Modern Limited
Disability in the Christian Tradition: A Reader, by Brian Brock, John Swinton, Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing
Adam: God’s Beloved, by Henri Nouwen, Orbis Books
Riding the Bus with My Sister: A True Life Journey, by Rachel Simon , Plume
Waist-high in the World: A Life Among the Nondisabled, by Nancy Mairs, Beacon Press
Expecting Adam: A True Story of Birth, Rebirth, and Everyday Magic, by Martha Nibley Beck, Berkley
The Day The Voices Stopped: A Memoir of Madness and Hope, by Ken Steele, Claire Berman, Basic Books
Planet of the Blind, by Stephen Kuusisto, Delta Trade Paperbacks
Power of the Powerless: A Brother’s Legacy of Love, by Christopher De Vinck; Introduction by Jean Vanier; Afterword by Fred Rogers; Doubleday
This Abled Body: Rethinking Disabilities in Biblical Studies, by Hector Avalos, Sarah J. Melcher, Jeremy Schipper, Society of Biblical Literature
A Good and Perfect Gift: Faith, Expectations, and a Little Girl Named Penny, by Amy Julia Becker, Bethany House Publishers

Lindsay’s Gift: Faith Learnings from a Girl with No Words
by Jim McIntire