Uncategorized Study: More than 3/4 of Republican evangelicals want US declared a Christian nation While some Christian groups would like the US government to make their faith the official religion of the US, a new poll shows most Americans know that would be unconstitutional.…
Brian McLaren Bought by powerful corporate leaders Most Christians today remain unaware of how Christian leaders since the 1930s have been intentionally co-opted (or, more bluntly, bought) by powerful corporate leaders in America (and elsewhere) to provide…
Brandan Robertson A profound metaphor for the process of ego death As Father Richard Rohr has taught, the first half of life is generally driven by our ego desires - asserting who we believe ourselves to be, competition, and achievement. This…
Brian McLaren The choice for many Christians is easy: it’s better for the good guys to win while breaking the rules than for the bad guys to win according to the rules It’s not just contorted history and science that predominate: it’s also twisted, constricted politics. Since democracy is never found in the Bible and since it is only applied in very…
Brian McLaren “Question one moral absolute and you’ll soon be questioning everything.” For Sam, it started in the young adult Bible study group at his church. All the other group members believed that because a certain political candidate wanted to criminalize abortion,…
Catherine Meeks God does not coerce us Perhaps the greatest challenge for effecting social change has less to do with the power of racist systems than it is about our refusal to significantly alter the priorities of…
John Pavlovitz Surety is a nice idea, but it’s highly overrated. There’s a dangerous hubris involved in claiming any kind of moral authority or precise theological clarity, other than “Here’s the best guess I can make based on the available information…
John Pavlovitz I’m not sure whether to be angered or insecure about how certain they are As I write this, I’m sitting in a small indie coffee shop adjacent to a nearby Southern Baptist seminary, (which honestly, usually makes me feel like a Rebel Soldier tiptoeing…
John Pavlovitz When we lead with gentleness When we lead with gentleness, it decreases the chances that we will bulldoze someone with self-righteousness because we honestly believe that we’re no better than they are and no greater…
Robert P. Jones The Sacred Work of White Discomfort by Robert P. Jones https://robertpjones.substack.com/p/the-sacred-work-of-white-discomfort
Uncategorized How your church can be brave by Elizabeth Hagan https://faithandleadership.com/how-your-church-can-be-brave
Barbara Brown Taylor Once you have given up knowing who is right, it is easy to see neighbors everywhere you look. Lately I have begun to notice how my holy envy of friends in other traditions moves around the circle back to me. An observant Jewish friend tells me that he…
Brian McLaren What makes religious doubt so challenging What makes religious doubt so challenging is that in almost every religious community, the box of normative beliefs contains beliefs of each kind - personal, historical, aesthetic, scientific, moral, and…
Susan K. Smith The “thingification” of Black people The Puritans relied upon the Calvinist theology to which they adhered, as well as the Bible, to justify their belief that God had created some human beings inferior to them.…
John Pavlovitz I’m Not Saying Conservative Christianity is Anti-Jesus. Jesus is. by John Pavlovitz https://johnpavlovitz.com/2021/11/05/im-not-saying-conservative-christianity-is-anti-jesus-jesus-is/
Catherine Meeks “Reconciliation” is “a place of meeting” One of the oldest meanings of the word, “reconciliation” is “a place of meeting.” This stresses that overcoming alienation requires coming together. If we are to deepen understanding so that…
Religion News Service How God’s pronouns and the CBMW might save Beth Allison Barr’s church A slew of donations to the church was inspired by an unlikely source — a fundraising appeal from the Council for Biblical Manhood and Womanhood, which criticized both Barr's book…
Uncategorized Contributions of this book Though we intend for this book to be introductory, we also hope that it will make substantive contributions to larger conversations regarding reparations both inside and outside of communities of…
John Pavlovitz Yes, There is a War on Christmas by John Pavlovitz https://johnpavlovitz.com/2018/11/24/yes-there-is-a-war-on-christmas/
Diana Butler Bass Wolf in Fleece Clothing by Diana Butler Bass https://dianabutlerbass.substack.com/p/wolf-in-fleece-clothing
The Atlantic The Evangelical Church is Breaking Apart: Christians must reclaim Jesus from his church by Peter Wehner in The Atlantic https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2021/10/evangelical-trump-christians-politics/620469/