Religion News Service Truth over power: It is past time for the church to speak plainly about the election from Religion News Service
Religion News Service If the mob’s attack on the Capitol surprised you, you weren’t paying attention from Religion News Service
Religion News Service Taking the white Christian nationalist symbols at the Capitol riot seriously by Robert P. Jones
New York Times Heather Cox Richardson Offers a Break From the Media Maelstrom. It’s Working. from the New York Times
Uncategorized Millennials Are Leaving Religion And Not Coming Back from FiveThirtyEight
Guthrie Graves-Fitzsimmons FDR As president, FDR “rallied a solid majority of American citizens to a vision of justice and democracy that came right out of Scripture - and his heritage of liberal Protestantism.”…
Uncategorized The Long Road to White Christians’ Trumpism By Elizabeth Jemison
Religion News Service How a Supreme Court bent on protecting religion could harm it from Religion News Service
Jana Riess I am appalled by America by Jana Riess; Religion News Service
Religion News Service Eric Metaxas and the losing of the evangelical mind Christians can’t wait for the sociologists to sort out why our fellow congregants believe in ‘Q’ or that Trump won the election. We need a strategy to restore a few…
Uncategorized Churches Step In Where Politicians Will Not Why do we need acts of charity to rescue Americans from crushing medical bills? From the New York Times
William Barber William Barber on Truth and Reconciliation After Trump In an extended interview, the reverend explains why healing the soul of the nation will take more than returning to “normal.”
Guthrie Graves-Fitzsimmons Why the GOP is so rattled by Rev. Warnock’s faith-based Georgia Senate campaign by Guthrie Graves-Fitzsimmons
Robin DiAngelo Manifestations of identity politics All progress we have made in the realm of civil rights has been accomplished through identity politics: women’s suffrage, the American with Disabilities Act, Title 9, federal recognition of same-sex…
Guthrie Graves-Fitzsimmons Judging a society based on how the most vulnerable are treated In contrast to the conservative Christian focus on “saving souls” from eternal conscious torment in hell, progressives return to Matthew 25, where Jesus builds on the long history of Jewish…
Religion News Service Exit polls show few changes in the religious vote from Religion News Service
Religion News Service Who will President Joe Biden listen to on faith matters? It is very encouraging to see several of our Compassionate Christianity collaborators on this list!
Parker Palmer Five Habits to Heal the Heart of Democracy by Parker Palmer
John Pavlovitz President Trump, Haven’t You Put America Through Enough? by John Pavlovitz
William Barber We Ring Our Bells for You, America by William J. Barber and Liz Theoharis
Otis Moss III Voter suppression kept my grandfather from voting. It won’t stop me. by Otis Moss III