Frank A. Thomas Post Easter Debrief
Frank A. Thomas C.L. Franklin in the Age of Jay-Z: Over My Head I Hear Music
John Pavlovitz To The Other White People I Pastored and Failed
William Barber Worship Service at Greenleaf Christian Church
Mickey Maudlin The Problem With “Progressive” Christians
Father James Martin Sometimes With Prayer, Start Small
Brian McLaren Two Articles (+) on Church Futures…
Carlos Rodriguez A Letter To My God-Fearing (Conservative) Parents “If we hand our sons and daughters a faith exposed as misogynistic, racist, unconcerned about creation and the poor, they…
Rachel Held Evans An Interview with Rachel Held Evans In this podcast, Jonathan Martin interviews Rachel Held Evans. Is the Bible inspired? If is it inspired? Does…
Father James Martin How do I stay in a church with sinful leaders? The Examen with Father James Martin, SJ This week we celebrate the Feast of the Chair of St. Peter. It…
Kaitlin Curtice The Voices of Indigenous People Continue to Be Silenced by Kaitlin Curtice On Jan. 18, a scene unfolded in Washington, D.C. — and then across social media —…
William Barber Keep the faith. Keep fighting. by Rev. Dr. William Barber, II Last year, a record number of women were elected to seats in the House of…
Brian McLaren “Among the most important social impact success stories …” by Brian McLaren We’ve all seen the beer commercial that begins, “I don’t normally drink beer, but when I do…