Father James Martin Thanksgiving should be a daily occurrence, not an annual one by Father James Martin https://www.americamagazine.org/faith/2019/11/18/thanksgiving-should-be-daily-occurrence-not-annual-one
Joan Chittister The American Mantra Is Time by Joan Chittister https://mailchi.mp/benetvision/do-no-harm-to-the-earth-745777?e=9ffff7d742
Diana Butler Bass, Philip Gulley, Richard Rohr If We Were Christian by Richard Rohr, including quotes from Diana Butler Bass, Philip Gulley, and Mercy Amba Oduyoye https://cac.org/if-we-were-christian-2019-11-01/
Patricia Raybon What If We All Stopped Fighting? by Patricia Raybon https://www.incourage.me/2019/11/what-if-we-all-stopped-fighting.html
John Pavlovitz This Presidency Has Exposed My White Christian Friends by John Pavlovitz https://johnpavlovitz.com/2019/11/01/this-presidency-has-exposed-my-white-christian-friends/
Religion News Service Harriet Tubman, in movie and real life, guided by faith in fight for freedom A new movie on the life of Harriet Tubman makes plain how the young Maryland slave put her faith before fear to rescue herself and dozens of other enslaved people.…
Religion News Service Christianity as we know it is dying. Let’s welcome the new life ahead. by Amy Butler, via Religion News Service https://religionnews.com/2019/10/30/christianity-as-we-know-it-is-dying-lets-welcome-the-new-life-ahead/
Religion News Service The Overstated Collapse of American Christianity Post-Christian possibilities aren’t the only reason to qualify a narrative of secularization. Here are three points more specific to American Christianity that should be considered alongside the stark declinist story…
Carlos Rodriguez Control (the addiction that is costing the Church its freedom) By Carlos Rodriguez https://www.happysonship.com/the-addiction-that-is-costing-the-church-its-freedom/
Religion News Service Progressives: Let’s leave room for others to make progress from the Religion News Service https://religionnews.com/2019/10/21/progressives-lets-leave-room-for-others-to-make-progress/
Otis Moss III Nearly 6,000 Chicagoans to get letters this holiday season saying their unpaid medical debt is forgiven from The Chicago Tribune https://www.chicagotribune.com/news/breaking/ct-chicago-millions-medical-debt-erased-20191020-rrhuxwepancrdhcn2gkdtvlp6e-story.html
The Atlantic Nothing Will Persuade White Evangelicals to Support Impeachment New polling suggests that Trump’s base is totally unified behind the president, no matter what investigations might reveal. https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2019/10/trump-white-evangelical-impeachment/600376/
Barbara Brown Taylor, Religion News Service Barbara Brown Taylor: Reformation is a ‘delicious’ wilderness but lonely an interview https://religionnews.com/2019/10/18/barbara-brown-taylor-reformation-is-a-delicious-wilderness-but-lonely/
Religion News Service How William Barr, culture warrior, weaponizes religious liberty from Religion News Service https://religionnews.com/2019/10/17/how-william-barr-culture-warrior-weaponizes-religious-liberty/
Kaitlin Curtice WHAT IS OUR WORK IN THE FACE OF EMPIRE? by Kaitlin Curtice https://sojo.net/articles/what-our-work-face-empire
Richard Rohr Inner and Outer Freedom by Richard Rohr https://cac.org/inner-and-outer-freedom-2019-10-08/
Rachel Held Evans LGBTQ+ Dan Evans shared this post on behalf of his late wife Rachel Held Evans. "We don’t take this posture because it’s easy or popular or rebellious; we do it because…
William Barber Red Letter Revival in Goldsboro, NC On this second night of the Red Letter Revival in Goldsboro, North Carolina, hear from Tony Campolo, Alexia Salvatierra, Bishop Tonia Rawls, revivalist Bishop William J. Barber II, and other…
Jacqui Lewis Waging Peace A sermon by Rev. Jacqui Lewis https://www.middlechurch.org/worship-arts/sermons/Sept29-1145
Mickey Maudlin When Christians Lost Jesus by Michael Maudlin The latest work by veteran Christian activist Jim Wallis is meant to stir things up. https://newsandpews.com/when-christians-lost-jesus/